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How to prevent respiratory infectious diseases
Source: Shenyang WeChat Official Account 2023-12-08

Winter and spring are high incidence seasons for acute respiratory diseases every year.Shenyang CDC reminds that different respiratory diseases have different clinical manifestations,so adopting scientific prevention methods can effectively reduce the risk of infection.

✔Wear masks scientifically. When going to places with enclosed environments and dense crowds, taking public transportation or seeking medical treatment, it is recommended to wear masks and replace them in a timely manner.

✔Develop good personal hygiene habits such as washing hands frequently, and adhering to respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

✔Ventilation should be carried out in the rooms every day, which can reduce the accumulation of indoor pathogens and keep the indoor air fresh.

✔Develop a healthy lifestyle and maintain a regular schedule in daily life. Ensure adequate sleep, adequate nutrition and appropriate physical exercise to enhance physical fitness and improve body immunity.