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"Consuls' Salon" in Winter Fishing Festival
Source: Shenyang WeChat Official Account 2023-01-11

On January 6, the "Consuls' Salon in Winter Fishing Festival of Faku County" was held at Caihu Lake.

The event was jointly sponsored by the provincial and municipal foreign affairs offices and the CPC Party Committee and the county government of Faku County.

A total of 19 consular officials in Shenyang, including Consul General of Germany Matthias Biermann, Consul General of South Korea Choi Doo-seok, Consul General of France Emmanuel Loriot and Acting Consul General of Australia EU-Niz Chan, attended the event and personally experienced Shenyang's unique cultural charm and historical connotation.

The consular officials watched the drum dance of a female saint of the Liao Dynasty, the royal sacrifice of the Liao Dynasty and other special performances, and participated in the capture and auction activities of the "first captured fish" at the winter fishing scene, fully experiencing the charm of Khitan people's winter fishing and the winter fishing culture with local characteristics of Faku.

In addition, they visited the Aisin Gioro Royal Museum, watched the calligraphy display of Aisin Gioro Zuchen, the curator of the museum, appreciated the intangible cultural heritage of traditional wine container paste-making technology, wine making technology, stone pots and mud cellars, tasted the fine wine of the Manchu court, and experienced the Manchu history and culture.

During the event, consular officials took out their mobile phones to record the shocking scenes of giant net fishing and said that they hoped to participate in more similar activities in the future to better understand Shenyang.