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The 5 millionth vehicle rolls off the production line
Source: Shenyang WeChat Official Account 2023-02-20

On February 20th, an All New Fully Electric BMW i3 40L rolled off the production line of Plant Tiexi Lydia site, marking the cumulative production of 5 million vehicles at BMW Shenyang Production Base and the beginning of a new chapter in the BMW Group's electrification journey.

The anniversary comes on top of the 20th anniversary of BMW Brilliance and the arrival of the new variants of The All New Fully Electric BMW i3.

The BMW Group has a clear plan for the future and expects to deliver the 2 millionth all-electric vehicle worldwide in 2025, and in the same year it will welcome DIE NEUE KLASSE with a new architecture.

By 2030, 50% of the BMW Group's sales will come from all-electric models, and the cumulative sales of electric vehicles will reach 10 million units.

By that time, the Rolls-Royce, MINI and the BMW Motorrad Urban Mobility will likewise be fully electric.

To achieve the electrification transformation of the whole brand and all product ranges, the BMW Group is establishing a production system towards future.

With the focus of Lean, Green and Digital, the BMW iFACTORY is a production strategy to embrace electrification, and Shenyang has been an excellent implementation example of this strategy.

The BMW Shenyang Production Base enabled production with digital technology. Cutting-edge technologies such as 5G communication, virtual simulation and AI are ubiquitous, with over 100 AI applications alone. It can ensure the high quality and bring high flexibility at the same time, where all plants can switch to all-electric, plug-in hybrid or ICE production on demand.

Last June, Plant Tiexi Lydia site officially opened. It was the first BMW “Industrial Metavers” plant fully planned and simulated in the virtual world from the very start and the first plant designed for NEV production.

Beside, BMW Shenyang Production Base also includes the High Voltage Battery Center which was also the first of its kind established among the premium car brands in China. With constantly upgrading, the extension to the advanced HVB project with the investment of RMB 10 billion will start this year.

Electric, Digital and Circular!

The BMW Group

opens a new chapter

in electrification journey

on the beginning

of the 5 millionth

locally-produced vehicle.

Look forward to it together!